
Engine Type Identification

Engine Type Identification

Honda Engines use a standard model naming convention.

Finding the Engine Model

To find the model number, look for a model number sticker on the engine.

All Honda engines model numbers start with the letter "G," such as "G100", "GX610", or "GXV160."

This is the base engine model.  The engine model and serial number should be adequate for most of your needs. 

However, if you need the detailed engine type, you can find more details below on where to find it.

Finding the Engine Model

Finding the Engine Type Code

The engine type code is stamped into the side of the engine, usually close to the serial number.  Engine type codes may be up to 4 characters.  If a code is less than 4 characters, you may see asterisks as placeholders (i.e. an engine stamped with QX** is a QX type engine.)

Finding the Engine Type Code

Finding the Engine Serial Number

The engine serial number is stamped into the side of the engine.  All Honda engine serial numbers have a 4 or 5 letter prefix followed by a 7 digit number.

Vertical shaft engine serial number location

V-twin engine serial number location

Horizontal shaft engine serial number location
