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All Gentech generators are fitted with high quality, Italian made NSM Alternators. NSM Alternators boast the cleanest power around, powerful performance and high quality output power with less than 6% Total Harmonic Distortion.
This means Gentech generators are the ideal power source when using precision equipment requiring stable frequency and voltage, like products with built-in computer functions and micro-computer controlled appliances. With Gentech generators you'll get maximum efficiency from electric motors and uninterrupted operation from sensitive appliances, including: power inverters, battery chargers, power tools, televisions and other sensitive equipment.
The Gentech EP16000HSRE-3 is a 16kVA/3phase portable generator powered by Honda powered engine.
Builders and farmers find this generator ideal for general all-round performance with lots of grunt for welders, compressors and other heavy duty equipment (e.g. wool presses, medium sized and medium sized air conditioners). Featuring a 27 litre fuel tank built into the base and an electric starting system, this generator is a winner at home, on the Ute or in the shed.
Engine: 3 years / Alternator: 2 year